Building sound patent portfolios by leveraging novelty searches combined with expert patent drafting and worldwide filing capabilities
Intellectual Property has become an integral part of the Research & Development program of any company involved in technology development. A strong patent portfolio not only protects the company's innovation but helps you secure a stronger market position and potentially generate new ways of income.
PG Technology Research helps Technology Companies, IP firms, and Individual Inventors to develop a strategic patent portfolio that will not only serve to defend their innovation and products but also equip them with a weapon to stop competitors from using their technology. We go a step ahead in consulting our clients to draft their continuous applications considering the product portfolio of their competitors. This enhances the chance of potential patent infringement in the future and creates monetization opportunities.
We have core competence in market research reports, patent searching, and drafting that has been used by clients worldwide. When you engage with our team of Patent Portfolio Development you’ll get a strategic partner with domain expertise and business acumen to help you accurately assess your intellectual property, evaluate available options and advise right actions.
We provide patent filing services in more than 20 countries around the globe